Early childhood Intervention Educators and Therapy Assistant Job Description

Yarran’s Early childhood Intervention Educators and Therapy Assistants will deliver supports for young children with disabilities & developmental delays that:

  • Delivers a transdisciplinary and multidisciplinary team approach to children who are aged from 0 to 8 years

  • Occurs in Natural Settings, delivered in the home, childcare preschool, early childhood community activities and school of the parent choice.

  • Implements all aspects of a Early childhood Intervention Educators and Therapy Assistants

  • Implements all aspects of the Routine Based Intervention.

  • Implements all aspects of Early Intervention in Natural environments. (EINE)

  • Will focus on the domains of engagement, independence, and social participation.

  • Provides families with emotional, material, and informational support.

  • Implements the key principles of emotional support, information and advice to families, advocacy, service coordination.

  • Is responsive & flexible to each family’s individual circumstances, needs & goals for accessing support for their child.

  • Develops individual skills including developmentally appropriate communication, behaviour, social & play skills which promotes their participation, engagement, and independence in all children’s services & settings.

  • Develops the child’s capacity to engage in services of their choice. Including access and sustaining enrolment.

  • Promotes the child’s developmental, functional & adaptive skills in their natural settings, supporting their meaningful inclusion and participation in family life and their daily routines.

  • Can reinforce therapy strategies for each child during individual sessions.

  • Develops, implements, and reviews a support plan and progress reports for each child determined by their goals and IFSSP.

  • Is reflective, flexible, in line with changes in the child’s circumstance, transitions and documentation requirements.

  • Supports the family to successfully implement the strategies recommended by other professionals into their daily routines & activities.

  • Work in partnership with children services, activities, and programmes to strengthen & develop capacity to provide for children with additional needs.